Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Vancouver 2010 In Summary

Well Friends, it is hard to believe it has been nearly two weeks since the end of the Games.

It has been difficult to write an ending.

The images keep running through my head, the events, the people, the scenery the beauty of it all.

As the days have gone by it seems easier to wrap the event into one package.

The reoccurring theme to me is the fact that so many people from around the world were there and they treated each other as equals.

There were spectators and participants of every color, creed, continent and religion. People from countries
that are at war with each other in their home land, yet at the Olympics they came in peace. Amazing.

There was unanimity amongst the many people that talked to me about the United States. They all want the U.S. to succeed and asked why are there so many Americans that work against their own leaders? To that I did not
have a good answer. They explained that American is looked up to as the world leader and they hope we will
be that leader. I never heard a mean remark against our country, that is unless you consider the hockey talk!!

When you are at the Olympics, you feel the spirit that is the Olympics. One world united for sport, competition and peace.

On to London 2010!


2022 Olympians???